AMDSB Presentation

Earlier this week I presented the dHL to the AMDSB and it was a huge success.  Since releasing the dHL to all AMDSB elementary and secondary staff, I’ve had about 20 teachers register, and I hope in the coming months to see 20 more.  When I was asked which member of the dHL I thought would be most popular my response was The Memory Project Speakers’ Bureau.  The Speakers’ Bureau connects veterans and serving soldiers with students online and in classroom across the country.  With Remembrance Day only a month away, teachers will be starting to discuss why we remember.  I hope they consider connecting with a veteran or serving soldier this year.
There have been some new developments this week too, which I am really excited about, and the AMDSB got to hear them first!  I contacted the Canadian Museums Association, who represents nearly 2000 members, and the CMA has agreed to promote the dHL to all of their members.  The support of the CMA will help me gain more dHL membership from museums all across Canada.
This week I also had the pleasure of speaking with Leanne Clare from the David Suzuki Foundation.  We discussed the possibility of members from the David Suzuki Foundation joining the Digital Human Library to support teachers using The Nature Challenge Teacher’s Guide, Curriculum Resource for Grades 4-7, available on the David Suzuki website.

What’s next?  You’ll just have to wait and read!

Leigh Cassell
Elementary Teacher, AMDSB
Founder of the Digital Human Library

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