By Karla Moeller
Ask A Biologist was formed at Arizona State University in 1997, back before Google provided most of the answers to your burning questions. We have a large group of volunteer biologists to answer questions, and to create great, free learning resources. Our online games, stories, interviews with scientists, classroom lessons, and more are used across the globe. We are happy to announce that we are now joining the dHL as experts in biology!

Whether you want to take a virtual tour from the desert to the rainforest, or you wonder what it’s like to be a biologist, Ask A Biologist may have the perfect activity for your learning or teaching needs. We have virtual tours of three different biomes, and we are working toward featuring nine of them; we also have labeled coloring pages for learning-based fun with younger students; and great resources like Biology Bits that meet both common core and science learning standards. We also offer some resources in 16 different languages, and our content and language diversity is always growing. In 2018 alone, we had over 15 million visits across 194 countries and we were used in over 7,000 classrooms.

At Ask A Biologist, we are constantly offering new materials, but we are also looking for feedback and collaboration from teachers as well. Is there some subject in biology you would love to see covered in an engaging activity or story, or as a dHL session? Always reach out and let us know. We are here to help students and educators, and are always looking for suggestions on adding meaningful, useable content to our site and in collaboration with the dHL.

If you’d like to book a video conference with Ask a Biologist, please login to Digital Human Library and search our Video Conferencing Catalogue to make your request!
Looking for Ask A Biologist Resources? Visit their website to learn more!
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