The Kids’ Guide project has initiated a brand new Social Studies and Literacy program for elementary classes this year called “Circles of Friendship”. This exciting new activity provides K-8 classes with a structured and safe way to connect with other classes to help develop greater intercultural understanding, respect, and empathy for other cultures across Canada. [TRC Call to Action 63.3]
- To assist teachers and students learn about the lands and people of different kinds of communities in Canada
- To facilitate classroom connections across Canada for learning
- To model the use of the Kids’ Guide map as a learning tool
- To add content to the Kids’ Guide map, especially from rural areas
We are sending hand-sewn Canada Jays to travel from class to class in each group, creating Circles of Friendship and Learning across the land.
Each AKGTC circle contains 6-8 classes from different provinces or territories in Canada. However, with almost 40% of Canadians living in Ontario, circles will include 2 classes from Ontario: one from southern Ontario, and one from northern Ontario.
Arrival Day!
Class participation typically involves 1-2 weeks when the Canada Jay flies in with Canada Post to visit an “Airbnb” host classroom and then explores the local community.
While the Canada Jay is visiting, the students are asked to introduce their jay to the sites and sounds and smells of their local neighbourhood community.
During their week with the Canada Jay, students are asked to share the CJ’s adventures on his travel diary located on our Kids’ Guide website through photographs, stories, interviews, news reports, artwork, videos, slide–shows, etc. – whatever suits their creativity and classroom program!
Wherever possible, students will also participate in a short 10-15 minute live webcast (open to all K-8 classes across Canada) to share the CJ’s adventures and explorations in their home community.

The Kids’ Guide to Canada team will also map the travels of each Canada Jay, allowing classes across Canada to track their journeys, and share their adventures across the country.
Would your students like to track each Jay’s travels and watch the class webcasts?
Register at to receive information and updates on each Canada Jay’s activities.
Would you like to participate in your own Circle of Friendship?
Send us an email at to get involved.
As soon as we have 6 classes from different places across Canada, we will launch a new circle.
If you have questions about the AKGTCanada Circles of Friendship, please contact us!
This post is also available in: English (Anglais)