CGE Final Four Conferences of 2015!

As we move into the final two months of the year, the CGE is proud to host their last four National/Global projects. Each conference still has a couple spots available:

Romeo Dallaire Child Soldier Initiative: Live from Uganda (May 7, 9:00-10:20 Mountain)** – Gr 7-12

The use of children as soldiers has been universally condemned as abhorrent and unacceptable. Yet over the last ten years  hundreds of thousands of children have fought and died in conflicts around the world. This video conference will connect students with the Executive Director of the Romeo Dallaire Child Soldier Initiative, Dr Shelly Wittman, in Uganda to learn about the present state of the use of CHild Soldiers in the world and what can be done to help. in what promises to be a profoundly moving and inspiring event, we will learn both about the complexities of the situations in which children become caught up in  conflict and what the most appropriate and impactful response a student might.

Resistance Art: Art – LIVE from the Middle East (May 14, 9:00-10:30)** – Gr 9-12

This one-part video conference will explore Resistance Art, looking at historical and current examples of work which bears witness to conflict and oppression or which actively confronts oppression.  Guests will include a young Middle Eastern artist and another from North America, both of whom will share their work, discuss the intent and answer questions from students.  Students will be asked to share their artwork as well, explaining their intent, taking questions, and receiving feedback from guest artists.


Creating a Country Based on Truth and Reconciliation (May 20, 9:00-10:30)** – Gr 9-12
On May 20, from 9:00-10:20, students from across Canada will get together, via video conference, for a National Virtual Town on the future of post-Truth and Reconciliation Commission Canada. In addition to listening to elders and experts from across Canada, students will be charged with charting a course for the country, recommending actions on a local, provincial and national level. At the end of the Virtual Town Hall, students will create the framework of a document that will be shared in Ottawa as part of Kairo’s “Time for Reconciliation” gathering which is an intergenerational reconciliation conference with the TRC for the closing ceremonies.


Senate Reform – A Conversation with the Canadian Senate (May 22, 9:00-10:10 MT/11:00-12:10ET) – Gr 8-12
Students will enter into a dialogue with a Canadian Senator and share their vision for what the Canadian Senate should look like in the future.

To register, please email:

Terry Godwaldt

Director of Programming
The Centre for Global Education
Edmonton, Canada


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