Digital Human Library is looking for K-12 teachers and content providers willing to complete a 5-10 minute survey about using videoconferencing with students for educational purposes. Our team is interested in better understanding the benefits and challenges of using videoconferencing in schools. Our research team came together as a result of ongoing conversations between Digital Human Library (dHL) partners and educators interested in improving videoconferencing experiences for teachers and students.
We plan to make all findings public and we will share results with all organizations that help distribute the survey so they might benefit from the results. This is an approved study through the Institutional Review Board of Western Oregon University. Participant identities will not be disclosed and our findings will be published so all educators and content providers might benefit from the learning.
Link to Survey
We are happy to answer any questions you might have so please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We really appreciate your help and we hope our survey will help us all better understand how videoconferencing can improve educational experiences for all learners.
Thank you for your time and consideration!
Leigh Cassell
Founder and President, Digital Human Library

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