Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants December Programs

Here Comes December! 

Catch up on the last of our November Google Hangouts and get a sneak peek at some exciting December Hangouts!

The EBTSOYP Community is Growing!

As of this month, EBTSOYP has reached 500 classrooms participating in Google Hangouts, whether it be on screen, watching live feeds or viewing hangouts on their YouTube page.

Feel free to share this newsletter across your educator networks as well as via your social media pages. Every new follow, every new classroom participating in a hangout brings the goal of acquiring grants and sponsorships in the New Year closer to reality.

Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants is 100% free for classrooms and will always stay this way! If you’re enjoying these lesson in the classroom, this is one way you can keep them coming and help further Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants goal to actively contribute to science, adventure and conservation projects around the world.

Upcoming Hangouts

To grab a camera spot for your classroom, visit the November Hangout page on the website: http://www.exploringbytheseat.com/#!november-hangouts/opxjl

Fill out the form on the bottom of the page and submit. If there’s a spot available, it’s yours. It really is that simple!

If you want to stick with viewing the live stream on the day of the event, simply visit the November Hangout page on the website, where you will see each event has a link to a Google Event page. Follow the link to that page and hit play on the video screen on the date and time of the event.

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to send EBTSOYP a message:ebtsoyp@gmail.com

Where in the World is Amanda Cotton?

November 23rd @ 11am EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 2

We will be catching up with Amanda in London, England. She’ll have just returned from a trip to Norway where she will be photographing wild killer whales for the first time. Learn about the ecology of these amazng creatures and get a chance to see some of Amanda’s brand new photos from the expedition.

Google Hangout Link:


Andrea Marshall: Queen of the Mantas November 24th @ 12pm EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 2

Meet Andrea Marshall, National Geographic Explorer and foudner of the Marine Megafauna Foundation. Andrea was the first person to receiver ther PhD in manta rays and has discovered to new species. She’ll connect from Mozambique to share some manta facts and stories.

Google Hangout Link:



Travis Steffens: Biodiversity, Conservation and Adventure in Madagascar November 26th @ 2pm EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 1

Meet Travis, a primatologist who studies lemurs in Madgascar. Travis will share some of Madgascar’s amazing biodiversity as well as the work his conservation group, Planet Madagascar, is doing to protect a region in danger of disappearing forever.

Google Hangout Link:


Michelle Jewell: Journey to Becoming a Scientist December 2nd @ 11:30am EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 2

Meet Michelle, a marine biologist and science communicator. Michelle will be sharing her unique story about her path to becoming a scientist. From there Michelle will be doing regular hangouts sharing ‘What’s New in Science’ with her uniquely humourous take.

Google Hangout Link:


Jean Pennycook: Virtual Field Trip to Antarctica

December 2nd @ 2pm EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 4

Join Jean Pennycook in Antarctica, live in the middle of an Adele Penguin colony! Students will have the opportunity to ask questions as they watch the penguins. If the weather doesn’t allow this event to run, we will connect with Jean in her tent to talk about living and working in Antarctica.

Google Hangout Link:


Tierney Thys: Giant Ocean Sunfish

December 3rd @ 2pm EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 4

Join Tierney, a National Geographic Explorer, marine biologist, filmmaker and certified pilot. Since 2000, she has been traveling the world’s oceans to study the giant sunfish (mola). Though these fish can grow more than ten feet long and weigh over 5,000 pounds, little is known about them.

Google Hangout Link:



Nizar Ibrahim: Spinosaur Hunter December 7th @ 10am EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 4

Join National Geographic Emerging Explorer Nizar Ibrahim to learn about palaeontology and his work in Northern Africa. Learn about the challenges he faces during fieldwork and the story behind his discovery of the most complete Spinosaur skeleton ever found.

Google Hangout Link:


Jean Pennycook: Virtual Field Trip to Antarctica

December 9th @ 2pm EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 4

Join Jean Pennycook in Antarctica, as she talks about living and working in Antarctica and gives a tour of her living quarters. This will also serve as a back-up day to visit the penguins incase the event on the 2nd is cancelled due to weather.

Google Hangout Link:


Anna McNuff: Adventure Queen

December 10th @ 10am EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 4

Anna is a British born adventurer, speaker and writer. Join her to hear stories from her epic 1,911 mile run the length of New Zealand. Once upon a time she represented Great Britain at rowing, but after ‘retiring’ in her mid-twenties, she began darting around the world on the hunt for new and exciting endurance challenges.

Google Hangout Link:


Sharks4Kids Marine Science Hangout: Cristina Zenato

December 14th @ 10am EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 4

Cristina is world renowned for her work with sharks in the wild. She is said to have a natural gift with sharks. Some people say she speaks a sixth language known as “Shark”. Practicing a specialized technique, she is the first woman in the world to be have induced a state of relaxation (also labeled as Tonic Immobility by some)  in Caribbean Reef Sharks. Her ability to work with several types of shark in this manner has allowed her to study sharks up close with no stress for the animals.

Google Hangout Link:


Your Classroom Can Get Involved in Conservation Work Around the World!

Protect Madagascar’s Frogs! 

Chytrid fungus is spreading globally and causing irreparable damage to the world’s amphibian biodiversity. National Geographic Explorer Jonathan Kolby is in a desperate race to try and prevent a deadly outbreak. Madagascar is a global hotspot for amphibian diversity home to over 300 species of frogs found nowhere else on Earth. Although some amphibians have recently been found infected with the fungus, no signs of disease (negative effects of infection) have yet been observed

It’s as simple as sending persuasive emails to those in the government responsible for the protection of Madagascar’s frog species and to demand action NOW to prevent an outbreak. Chytrid can spread like wildfire if nothing is done to reduce the risk & prevent additional introductions, it will be too late later.

There is no method of Chytrid eradication from the environment following its establishment, thus the need for emergency preventative measures in Madagascar. Unfortunately, now nearly two years after the discovery of Chytrid in Madagascar, little preventative action has been implemented.

For more information on how your students can get involved: exploringbytheseat.com/#!frogs-in-madagascar/wjsw1

Host an Ocean Blue Day at Your School!

Nemos Pequenos: Ocean Guardians aims to teach the children of Mozambique what is going on beneath the ocean’s surface and why it needs to be protected. Even though they depend on the ocean for survival, most children don’t know how to swim and there are many drownings each year.

Your classroom and school can help Nemos Pequenos grow and create waves in more local communities. They are aiming to raise $100,000 USD to build swimming facilities, buy a mini-van and keep the program growing. This will allow them to create ocean guardians in four additional remote communities and engage 1,200 youth with their marine education program.

Host an Ocean Blue day at your school, dressing in blue or summer and beach clothing and collect donations that can be sent to Marine Megafauna Foundation to help more children learn to swim and protect their oceans.

For more information check out: http://www.exploringbytheseat.com/#!nemos-pequenos/ka5ak or email me: ebtsoyp@gmail.com

In Case You Missed It!

Stephanie Arne: Wild Kingdom – Manatees

Chris Scarffe: Filming in Madagascar

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