Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants December Programs

Last Hangouts of 2016!!! Here's the first batch of December hangouts, snag a camera spot while th...

Virtual Field Trips to the Bahamas!

We’re piloting our first hangouts with our BGAN unit (textbook sized unit that allows video Google Hangouts from pretty much anywhere on the planet!). This week the BGAN unit will head by boat to Abaco in the Bahamas on a National Geographic Expedition with Kenny Broad and Jill Heinerth. Their team will be exploring and 3D mapping Abaco’s blue holes. There will be two hangouts, a National Geographic Explorer Classroom on December 7th@ 12pm EST and an EBTSOYP Hangout on December 8th @ 11am EST. Lots of camera spots available and you can check out our backround hangout with Kenny and Jill with your classroom here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilWPvvIlKzM


Although camera spots are limited to 5-7 each hangout, all of our hangouts stream live on YouTube. This means classrooms can watch live and we are thrilled to see that they have been. To make it more interactive, our hosts will be watching Twitter for questions that come in during the hangout using the #ExploringByTheSeat. This is a great way for your classroom to get a shout out and a question or two in during a hangout when watching live. I’m sure you’ve noticed we have some new hosts who have been running many of the hangouts over the last couple of months. Jesse, Samantha and Lucija are awesome!

Celebrating Arctic Science Month

The Canadian government has just declared that December will be Arctic Science Month. To celebrate, we have two hangouts featuring the Canadian North. The camera spots have already been snatched up from our newsletter on the weekend, but your classrooms can still join in and watch live, and get some questions in with #ExploringByTheSeat

The Sedna Epic Expedition

December 1st @ 2:30pm eastern

Camera Spots Available: 0

YouTube Live Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvy2YY8ZrYE

Leah Montsion: Counting Whales

December 14th @ 1pm eastern

Camera Spots Available: 0

YouTube Live Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj-7GqjKEn8

Joining the Adventure

Three ways to take part:

1) Watch the event live with your class. Every event has a YouTube Live page, the links are with each hangout description. Simply head to the link and push play at the start time.

2) Grab a camera spot and your class can interact with the speaker. Simply fill out the Google Form found at the bottom of the November Hangouts page on the website:  http://www.exploringbytheseat.com/copy-of-november-hangouts

3) Watch any event after it has already happened on our YouTube Channel.

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to send me a message: ebtsoyp@gmail.com

December Hangouts


Sedna Epic Expedition

December 1st @ 2:30pm EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 0

The Sedna Epic Expedition is comprised of an international team of women ocean explorers, scientists, medical professionals, journalists, movie-makers, photographers, artists, educators and scuba diving professionals. During the summers of 2018 and 2019, Team Sedna will boldly go where no man has gone before, mounting a snorkel relay of the 3,000-kilometre Northwest Passage to bring global attention to disappearing sea ice in the Arctic.

Google Hangout Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvy2YY8ZrYE

This is the video

Galapagos Lesson Series: George Kourounis

December 5th @ 11:00am EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 5

Explorer and adventurer George Kourounis had recently returned from a 10 day trip to the Galapagos with Lindblad Expeditions and will share some stories and photos from his joureny…and likely talk a little bit about the volcanic nature of the islands. George is the host of Angry Planet, regularly showcasng the awesome power of our planet, whether chasing a tornado or climbing into a volcano.

Google Hangout Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyL218GIbPA

This is the video

SANCCOB Hangout: Chick Rearing

December 6th @ 9:30am EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 5

It’s chick rearing season at SANCCOB and education director Tamlyn Hardy will be sharing a lesson on how South African penguin chicks are reared at SANCCOB and taking classes on a tour of the nursery. Join us as we head to South Africa for another awesome virtual field trip!

Google Hangout Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waLpBU67AmA

This is the video

National Geographic Explorer Classroom: Brian Skerry 

December 6th @ 11:00am EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 3

Brian Skerry is a photojournalist specializing in marine wildlife and underwater environments. Since 1998 he has been a contract photographer for National Geographic. His year round assignments find him in enviornments of extreme contrast, from coral reefs to diving beneath polar ice. He has spent over 10,000 hours underwater over the last 30 years.

Google Hangout Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rmlcg_LMv0

This is the video

National Geographic Explorer Classroom: Virtual Field Trip to Bahamas Blue Holes

December 7th @ 12:00pm EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 3

We had a great hangout with Kenny Broad and Jill Heinerth prior to this expedition. Now we’ll use BGAN satellite technology to connect with them in the field in Bahamas where they are exploring and 3D mapping Abaco’s blue holes. We’ll connect with the team and check out some of the gear they’re using to explore these unique and little studied ecosystems.

Google Hangout Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRS3e3_3_rE

This is the video

Exploring Bahamas by the Seat of Your Pants: Virtual Field Trip to Bahamas Blue Holes

December 8th @ 11:00am EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 5

We had a great hangout with Kenny Broad and Jill Heinerth prior to this expedition. Now we’ll use BGAN satellite technology to connect with them in the field in Bahamas where they are exploring and 3D mapping Abaco’s blue holes. We’ll connect with the team and check out some of the gear they’re using to explore these unique and little studied ecosystems.

Google Hangout Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Phf-VPESXrQ

This is the video

National Geographic Explorer Classroom: TH Culhane

December 9th @ 11:00am EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 3

National Geographic Emerging Explorer T.H. Culhane has pioneered the development and deployment of renewable low-cost home and community energy production tools. He empowers local communities in impoverished areas to “do-it-themselves,” following the adage “teach a man to fish and you will have fed him for a lifetime.”

Google Hangout Link: Link Coming Soon!

This is the video

SANCCOB Hangout: Chick Rearing

December 12th @ 9:30am EST

Camera Spots Remaining: 5

It’s chick rearing season at SANCCOB and education director Tamlyn Hardy will be sharing a lesson on how South African penguin chicks are reared at SANCCOB and taking classes on a tour of the nursery. Join us as we head to South Africa for another awesome virtual field trip!

Google Hangout Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FMQs7XqYW8


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