Global Collaboration Day, September 17th, 2015

Celebrate Global Collaboration Day (GCD) on September 17, 2015! Companies, non-profits, and schools will be coming together in a global demonstration of global collaboration. To date there are over 196 schools in over 34 countries participating. There are activities available for individuals and for classrooms. If you browse the site for Global Collaboration Day, there is something for everyone!

  • To get started, take a look at their overview page.
  • The organizers also have new videos that will help you understand the event.
  • Activities are posted in their calendars and event directory. More will be posted soon.
  • It is NOT too late to host a simple collaboration online for participants. Check out the GCD host page for details.
  • The GCD organizers are sending out updates via text and email using the free Remind app. Sign up here.
  • A few GlobalEdCon (their November online conference) keynotes will be announced on Thursday! Stay tuned!

New items for GCD include:

Finally, many, many thanks to the event sponsors for making this day possible:

Looking forward to September 17th! Hope you can join us!

@GlobalEdCon on Twitter

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