NEW! dHL meBook Expert Halton Women’s Place

We want to put ourselves out of business.

We started our education program 4 years ago with a small grant, one part-time educator, and the belief that we needed to engage youth in discussions about healthy relationships, dating violence, gender stereotypes, and healthy masculinity in order to stop the cycle of violence.

Now, having reached over 12,000 students in grades 6-12, and developed over 12 classroom presentations, we are growing to a team of three Ontario certified teachers and aiming to reach every school in our community.

One new way we are doing this is by being available through the Digital Human Library.  Classes can take a virtual field trip through one of our shelters and will have the opportunity for Q&A with one of our educators.

We all have a responsibility to stop family violence.  Let’s teach our children about good communication, equality, trust and respect, both online and off.

We’ve available online up to 10 months in advance for presentation bookings.  Workshop descriptions are available here.

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