Siobhna Cox, AMDSB

I used the dHL with my kindergarten health class. The technology we chose to use was a digital projector, iPad, and Skype to talk to an expert on dog safety in California. The presenter and I worked together before hand to make sure the session was age appropriate and interactive. She guided us through a number of activities that got the students up and moving. The students were very engaged with the use of technology and the opportunity to talk and ask questions. Both the adults and students involved learned a lot about how to stay safe around strange dogs, as well how to better understand dog behaviour. The highlight for the students was seeing and interacting with live dogs on the screen. This experience provided the students with an opportunity to experience a field trip in the classroom – a field trip that would have not otherwise been possible within this school community.

The students enjoyed the session when it took place and everyone left the lesson smiling. I was even happier to find out later that their engagement helped them retain the information taught. During my next health lesson (four days later) they were able to tell me all the key safety rules our expert taught us. They were even able to demonstrate from the activities we did, how to stand like a tree and lay like a log when approached by a strange dog. I would definitely use the dHL to connect with more experts in the future. The time it took to arrange the guest speaker was no more than organizing for any other presenter to come to the classroom. We had the field trip experience without the cost or time associated with organizing and traveling when leaving the classroom. I would recommend this teaching resource for any age group.

Siobhan Cox
Seaforth P.S
Avon Maitland District School Board

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