Texas Wildlife Association Spring Distance Learning Programs

Distance Learning with Texas Wildlife Association
Announcing our Spring 2015 Videoconferencing schedule.
Try one of the Texas Wildlife Association’s Distance Learning programs available as On-demand Webinars and via Videoconferencing.On-demand Webinars are completely FREE, available 24/7, TEKS aligned, and only require a quick registration and free WebEx program download before viewing. Find out more about On-demand Webinars HERE on their website. Currently you can find their four most popular programs online:ASI: Animal Skull Investigation


Let’s Talk Turkey

The Magic of Monarchs

Videoconferencing style programs are offered through Connect2Texas.  Each program is 45 minutes long, designed for grades 1-6, TEKS aligned, and FREE to join. Click the links below, or visit Connect2Texas (www.connect2texas.net) to register (registration for a program can only take place through Connect2Texas).

Upcoming Schedule:
Program descriptions below

Interactive spots still available, but sign up fast as they are limited.

February  26 (Th) – ASI: Animal Skull Investigation
Non-interactive times (CST):9:00-9:45    10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

Interactive times (CST):      9:00-9:45    10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

March 5 (Th) – Animal Encounters: Reptile Lifestyle 
Non-interactive times (CST):9:00-9:45     10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

Interactive times (CST):      9:00-9:45     10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

March 24 (Tu) – Animal Encounters: Prickly Porcupines 
Non-interactive times (CST):9:00-9:45     10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

Interactive times (CST):      9:00-9:45     10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

April 10 (F) – In the News: Urban Bobcats 
One-time showing (CST):     9:00-9:45

April 15 (W) – The Magic of Monarchs

Non-interactive times (CST):9:00-9:45     10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

Interactive times (CST):      9:00-9:45     10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

April 28 (Tu) – Urban Animal Encounters: Awesome Opossums
Non-interactive times (CST):9:00-9:45     10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

Interactive times (CST):      9:00-9:45     10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

May 5 (Tu) – Animal Encounters: Hawk Talk
Non-interactive times (CST):9:00-9:45     10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

Interactive times (CST):      9:00-9:45     10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

May 12 (Tu) – Animal Encounters: Prairie Dog Discovery *NEW PROGRAM* 
Non-interactive times (CST):9:00-9:45     10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

Interactive times (CST):      9:00-9:45     10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

May 19 (Tu) – Bats-A-Billion
Non-interactive times (CST):9:00-9:45     10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

Interactive times (CST):      9:00-9:45     10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

May  27 (W) – Animal Encounters: Creepy Critters
Non-interactive times (CST):9:00-9:45     10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

Interactive times (CST):      9:00-9:45     10:30-11:15     12:45-1:30     2:00-2:45

Program Descriptions:

ASI: Animal Skull Investigation
This interactive presentation allows students the opportunity to investigate skulls of native Texas animals. Unique adaptations will be discussed and students will be asked to identify common structures of animal skulls and then determine their function(s). During the investigations, students will discover the feeding habits, survival adaptations, and finally the identity of our mystery specimens.

Animal Encounters: Reptile Lifestyle
Reptiles are a diverse group of animals, displaying great variety between species; think about turtles versus snakes! During the program, we will take an up-close look at our live critters and compare their various body structures and their functions. We will investigate and explore how they eat, how they survive in their environment/habitat, and how they protect themselves from predators.

Animal Encounters: Prickly Porcupines
Join us and our prickly guest as we clear up some common misconceptions and discuss porcupines’ amazing adaptations. These rodents are unique in so many ways, from being nocturnal to being covered in quills; our program will be packed with fun facts. We will also study porcupine structures, their functions, habitats, and compare new world and old world porcupines. Don’t miss this great opportunity to see this rarely seen critter!

In the News: Urban Bobcats
Different wildlife species are appearing more frequently in our urban and suburban settings. You may have heard on the news or read in the paper that even large mammals such as bobcats have been seen in neighborhoods across the state of Texas. Join us and our bobcat guest star as we discuss their adaptations and basic needs which allow them to live in urban environments. We’ll discuss their specialized structures, habitat requirements, and ways to avoid an encounter. Don’t miss this great opportunity to see a real live bobcat!

The Magic of Monarchs
For such a delicate insect, the Monarch butterfly leads an adventurous life! During spring and fall, millions of Monarchs will travel through Texas on their way to or from their overwintering sites in Mexico. Live caterpillars and adult Monarchs will be on hand during the program, allowing your students to see them up close and in detail. Join us as we discuss the basic needs, life cycle, adaptations, and migration patterns of the Monarch butterfly and learn how you can help conserve this unique creature.

Urban Animal Encounters – Awesome Opossums
The perception of opossums is (hopefully) changing with their animated counterparts becoming more popular, especially in movies! Virginia opossums may be the most unique North American mammal, but perception tends to overshadow their awesome traits. Opossums are awesome because of their adaptations, which allow them to live in a nocturnal environment, their unique marsupial structures, and their ability to play dead, just to name a few. We will also clear up any myths and misconceptions that you and your students have about this awesome animal. Please join us and our critter guest star!

Animal Encounters: Hawk TalkBirds of prey, also known as raptors, are a common sight in the skies. During the program, we will take an up-close look at a live Red-Tailed Hawk to discuss the important body structures and their functions. We will investigate the hawk’s diet, their role in the food web, the habitats in which they are found, and the adaptations that allow them to be such powerful predators.

Animal Encounters: Prairie Dog Discovery *NEW PROGRAM*

Scientists consider prairie dogs to be a keystone species that affect many aspects of the environment.  Join us and our rodent guest star as we discuss the prairie dog’s importance in the ecosystem and their amazing adaptations.  Many animals rely on prairie dogs in a variety of ways; their complex underground burrows provide habitat for several species, and they are a food source to many predators.  We will also discuss prairie dog structures, their functions, and delve more into their underground habitats.  Don’t miss this great opportunity to see this rarely seen critter!

Animal Encounters: Bats-A-Billion

This interactive presentation provides students the opportunity to investigate the relationship between the anatomy and the ecology, including the dietary habits, of different species of bats. This is an experience you will not want to miss. LIVE bats take part in the program! We will look at their unique body structures and their functions that allow bats to fly, identify other special adaptations, as well as discuss their basic needs and diverse habitats. We will also discuss ways you can help these beneficial creatures and conserve their habitats.

Animal Encounters: Creepy Critters
Unfortunately for our guests, their creepy appearance strikes fear in most people, even though they know little about them, and in some cases have never encountered them. Our visitors are quite an eclectic bunch, from those with no limbs, to others with four, six, or even eight! Join us as we take an up-close look at these critters and discuss how they fit into the food chain, as well as their habitats, adaptations, and the structures that bring fear to many.

Visit their Distance Learning webpage for more details about On-demand Webinars and upcoming Videoconference programs.

Elanor Dean
Texas Wildlife Association


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