Classroom Collaboration Project Opportunity with DeforestACTION

T​akingITGlobal​ and ​The Centre for Global Education​ are inviting your class to participate in one of the world’s largest student driven environmental campaigns: ​DeforestACTION​!

DeforestACTION is a global movement of youth and schools taking action to stop deforestation and create a permanent habitat for orangutans and other species who depend on forest ecosystems. Through collaborative learning and action related to deforestation and environmental sustainability, students will become DeforestACTION agents who are shaping a more sustainable world. To learn more, visit ​​.

TakingITGlobal and The Centre for Global Education will be kicking off a 2 month campaign in September, starting with a webinar to invite classrooms across the world to develop and launch campaigns that raise awareness of the detrimental effects of deforestation. Classrooms will then undertake their environmental campaigns and have the opportunity to partner with another classroom to ​share ideas, brainstorm, and compare local ecosystems as they develop their deforestaction projects.

To learn more about how you and your school can get involved, you are invited to join TIG and CGE for a 30 minute Teacher Orientation webinar ​on either Thursday October 22  or Tuesday October 27:

3:30 – 4:15 pm Mountain / 5:30 – 6:15 pm Eastern

During this orientation, you will learn more about the schedule of campaign events, meet the DeforestACTION team, and explore the innovative online teaching and learning resources you can use to engage your students in this authentic 21st Century learning experience. Through this project, our hope is that your students will gain the skills to become changemakers and tackle the problems of the world they are going to inherit.

To sign up for the orientation, please visit:


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